December 1966 was the birth of CBMU301 at the 35th naval construction regiment Port Hueneme, California. The formation of the battalion CBMU301 was officially established on March 31, 1967. Please explore this web site, leave a comment, and watch as we add new images.

There will be a gathering of all members of Construction Battalion Maintenance Unit 301 (CBMU301) at Port Hueneme on September 13-15, 2024

There is no official lodging but most stay at the Holiday inn Express as we have in the past or any other local lodging you can make.

We will gather at the Seabee Museum which is outside the Base. Plans are still being worked out, stay tune make plans to attend we do not have many more years to do this. Currently plan are to have Lunch at Dukes the on base Cafe and a planned event at the Museum, details as they are confirmed. Please share with others as I do not have a complete list of 301 Members, if you miss this one, we will gather at some off Earthly place

Contact Ray Cruz at  [email protected]